The Sixth Edition Champions line updates decades of published supplements and sourcebooks, and adds new material adapted from the Champions Online MMO. The HERO System sprang from Champions, and The Super Roleplaying Game has always been its flagship. Fantasy Hero 6E and Star Hero 6E (both previously presented in our November 2013 HERO System Bundle).The 6E versions of the Equipment Guide, Skills, the Grimoire, the Bestiary, and Martial Arts.
The Advanced Player's Guide and Advanced Player's Guide II.All the 6E corebooks: the abbreviated one-volume HERO System Basic Rulebook (start here) and the massive full-length two-volume compendium: V1 Character Creation and V2 Combat and Adventuring.The matchless flexibility of the HERO System lets you create any character, super power, spell, equipment, vehicle, or headquarters you can imagine, and the 6E version is the most detailed and comprehensive ever. These two giant offers featured the 2009 Sixth Edition of the HERO System from Hero Games. Our HERO System 6E Bundle offer ended on Maat 11:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00).